Thursday, August 20, 2009

Back to School Special: 1993 Fat Tapes

1993 Fat Tapes (Note – There were 10 fat tapes in 1993)


  1. Now in '93 thats when things started to get real for me. Hearing "CReaM" by Wutang changed me, "Down with the King" by RUn-DMC changed me, "Today was a Good day changed me" then towards the end of '93 Black Moon "How Many Emcees" and Nas " It Aint Hard to Tell" just messed me all up.
    By the time i started 7th grade back in Aug '93 til the end May '94, hip-hop became my way of life and it changed me forever!

  2. daaaamn vincent. are you going to do a packlist by year with every fat tape??? this is bananas!!!

  3. Thanks again, Vincent! Really nice those Fat Tapes..
