Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Big Pun: The Legacy

It's no secret that Pun is one of my all time favorite MC's. I may be one of the few people on Earth who would rather have Big Pun and Big L alive today rather than Biggie and Jay-Z. Why do I feel this way? Pun and L simply have many more, "What the eff did he just say?!?! Rewind that ish again!!!" moments. Don't get me wrong, Biggie had some of those moments, too, but Pun and L had a better balance of lyrics that were hardcore, witty, and comical in my opinion.

Watch the whole movie here:


  1. Yeah. I saw this film. And it made me think again who is (was) the greatest.Pun was so talented, his flow was off the hook. It made me feel that maybe people like this
    feel the end is near and trying to make more before they re gone. Last time i share this theory with my friend who later passed in car accedent. That day we watched film about Pun. So is it irony or is it life? (exuse my english)
